...Inked is a(n abridged) compilation of my inked (read published) articles...

Saturday, May 29, 2010


...the answer to THE most prevalent RC-related question on Campus

(NTUSU  Tribune - Careers Page - Feb '10)

By far the most frequent answer given by those of us manning the ICON Registration Booth was to the question “Why should I participate in the RC?” Of course it was just a polite way of asking why one should bother. And the question is fair enough. So here’s the answer.

The Recruitment Challenge simulates a real-world Recruitment process. The basic idea of the RC is to provide an insight into the recruitment process. That way when you graduate and apply for jobs you will know what to expect and can be fully prepared to give it your best shot.

But not everyone will make it all the way. That’s just the nature of the competition. However, it doesn’t mean that you don’t get anything out of it. Company HRs give feedback on all resumes that they receive. This can be very helpful. All the workshops in the world combined cannot provide you with the perspective of the person who could hire you. The RC, on the other hand, certainly can!

There’s not much about the future that we can control, however being prepared for it is certainly possible. And in the realm of recruitment, RC is a good way to prepare.

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